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Installing pymoors from source

Setting Up

Before you proceed, make sure you have Rust installed. We recommend using rustup for an easy setup:

# For Linux/Mac:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

# For Windows, download and run the installer from the official website:

Also pymoors uses uv . Make sure it's available on your PATH so the make commands can run properly.


  • Clone the repository

    git clone
    cd pymoors

  • Create a virtual environment

    # Create the virtual environment
    uv venv
    # Activate it (Linux/Mac)
    source .venv/bin/activate
    # On Windows, you would typically do:
    # .venv\Scripts\activate

  • Install and compile in dev mode

    make build-dev

This command will install all the necessary dependencies for development and compile using maturin.

  • Compile in prod mode
    make build-prod
    This command will run maturin develop --release, i.e compiling in a optimized way. This is needed when you want to check the performance of the different algorithms.

Code Formatting and Linting

To ensure code quality and consistency, pymoors uses various tools for formatting and linting. You can run these tools using the provided make commands.

  • Format the code

    make format
    This command will format the codebase using tools like black for Python and rustfmt for Rust.

  • Lint the code

    make lint
    This command will run linters like flake8 for Python and clippy for Rust to check for potential issues and enforce coding standards.

Additionally, pymoors uses pre-commit to automatically run these checks before each commit. To set up pre-commit, run the following command:

pre-commit install

This will ensure that your code is formatted and linted before every commit, helping maintain code quality throughout the development process.