NSGA-II is a fast, elitist multiobjective evolutionary algorithm designed to efficiently approximate the Pareto-optimal front. It overcomes several issues found in earlier nondominated sorting approaches by reducing computational complexity, ensuring elitism, and eliminating the need for a sharing parameter.
Key Features¶
Fast Nondominated Sorting: NSGA-II sorts the population based on Pareto dominance with a computational complexity of $O(MN^2)$, where $M$ is the number of objectives and $N$ is the population size.
Elitist Selection: The algorithm creates a combined pool of parent and offspring populations. From this pool, the best solutions are chosen based on fitness and diversity. This elitist strategy ensures that the best-found solutions are preserved over generations.
Crowding Distance for Diversity Maintenance: To maintain a diverse Pareto front, NSGA-II computes a crowding distance for each individual. For each front, the crowding distance $d_i$ of an individual $i$ is calculated as:
$$ d_i = \sum_{m=1}^{M} \frac{f_{m}^{(i+1)} - f_{m}^{(i-1)}}{f_{m}^{\max} - f_{m}^{\min}}, $$
- $f_{m}^{(i)}$ is the value of the $m$-th objective for the $i$-th individual (after sorting the individuals according to that objective),
- $f_{m}^{\max}$ and $f_{m}^{\min}$ are the maximum and minimum values of the $m$-th objective in that front, respectively.

Individuals with a larger crowding distance are in less crowded regions and are preferred when selecting among solutions with the same non-domination rank, thereby promoting diversity across the Pareto front.
- Constraint Handling:
When constraints are present, NSGA-II modifies the selection process:
- Feasible Solutions First: Feasible individuals (those satisfying all constraints) are always preferred over infeasible ones.
- Ranking: Among feasible solutions, those with a better (i.e., lower) nondominated rank are favored.
- Crowding Distance: Finally, if individuals share the same rank, the one with a larger crowding distance is selected. This ensures that, within the same rank, solutions from less crowded regions of the objective space are chosen.
ZDT3 Problem¶
ZDT3 is a widely used benchmark in multiobjective optimization, especially for testing evolutionary algorithms. It challenges algorithms with:
Two Conflicting Objectives:
- $f_1(\mathbf{x}) = x_1$
- $f_2(\mathbf{x}) = g(\mathbf{x}) \cdot h(f_1(\mathbf{x}), g(\mathbf{x}))$
Auxiliary Functions:
- $g(\mathbf{x}) = 1 + \frac{9}{n-1}\sum_{i=2}^{n} x_i$
- $h(f_1, g) = 1 - \sqrt{\frac{f_1}{g}} - \frac{f_1}{g}\sin(10\pi f_1)$
Key Characteristics:
- Discontinuous Pareto Front: The optimal solutions are spread over several disconnected segments.
- Nonconvexity: The Pareto front is nonconvex, making convergence more challenging.
- Diversity Maintenance: The discontinuities force algorithms to preserve a diverse set of solutions.
Domain: Each decision variable $x_i$ typically belongs to the interval $[0, 1]$, and the problem is often considered with $n = 30$ variables.
ZDT3 is ideal for evaluating how well an algorithm can balance convergence toward the Pareto-optimal front while maintaining diversity in the presence of a complex, discontinuous solution landscape.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pymoors import (
from pymoors.schemas import Population
from pymoors.typing import TwoDArray
def evaluate_zdt3(population: TwoDArray) -> TwoDArray:
Evaluate the ZDT3 objectives in a fully vectorized manner.
# First objective: f1 is simply the first column.
f1 = population[:, 0]
n = population.shape[1]
# Compute g for each candidate: g = 1 + (9/(n-1)) * sum(x[1:])
g = 1 + (9 / (n - 1)) * np.sum(population[:, 1:], axis=1)
# Compute h for each candidate: h = 1 - sqrt(f1/g) - (f1/g)*sin(10*pi*f1)
h = 1 - np.sqrt(f1 / g) - (f1 / g) * np.sin(10 * np.pi * f1)
# Compute the second objective: f2 = g * h
f2 = g * h
return np.column_stack((f1, f2))
def zdt3_theoretical_front():
Compute the theoretical Pareto front for ZDT3.
f1_theo (np.ndarray): f1 values on the theoretical front.
f2_theo (np.ndarray): Corresponding f2 values.
Instead of using a dense linspace, we sample only a few points per interval to
clearly illustrate the discontinuous nature of the front.
# Define the intervals for f1 where the Pareto front exists
intervals = [
(0.0, 0.0830015349),
(0.1822287280, 0.2577623634),
(0.4093136748, 0.4538828821),
(0.6183967944, 0.6525117038),
(0.8233317983, 0.85518)
f1_theo = np.array([])
f2_theo = np.array([])
# Use a small number of points per interval (e.g., 20) to highlight the discontinuities.
for start, end in intervals:
f1_vals = np.linspace(start, end, 20)
f2_vals = 1 - np.sqrt(f1_vals) - f1_vals * np.sin(10 * np.pi * f1_vals)
f1_theo = np.concatenate((f1_theo, f1_vals))
f2_theo = np.concatenate((f2_theo, f2_vals))
return f1_theo, f2_theo
# Set up the NSGA2 algorithm with the above definitions
algorithm = Nsga2(
sampler=RandomSamplingFloat(min=0, max=1),
mutation=GaussianMutation(gene_mutation_rate=0.1, sigma=0.01),
verbose = False
# Run the algorithm
# Get the best Pareto front obtained (as a Population instance)
best: Population = algorithm.population.best_as_population
# Extract the obtained fitness values (each row is [f1, f2])
obtained_fitness = best.fitness
f1_found = obtained_fitness[:, 0]
f2_found = obtained_fitness[:, 1]
# Compute the theoretical Pareto front for ZDT3
f1_theo, f2_theo = zdt3_theoretical_front()
# Plot the theoretical Pareto front and the obtained front
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
# Plot theoretical front as markers (e.g., diamonds) to show discontinuities.
plt.scatter(f1_theo, f2_theo, marker='D', color='blue', label='Theoretical Pareto Front')
# Plot obtained front as red circles.
plt.scatter(f1_found, f2_found, c='r', marker='o', label='Obtained Front')
plt.xlabel('$f_1$', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('$f_2$', fontsize=14)
plt.title('ZDT3 Pareto Front: Theoretical vs Obtained', fontsize=16)